Duty Management Software Identifies Duty Savings and Automates Deferrals and Refunds
Decreasing tariffs and customs duties can significantly reduce costs, but most companies have difficulty manually qualifying product for free trade agreements (FTAs) and duty savings programs. E2open Duty Management gives you a streamlined process for automatically identifying relevant duty, tax, and tariff reduction programs, while fulfilling all documentation requirements with minimal manual effort.
Improve margins through trade programs
Missed opportunities to reduce, eliminate, or defer costs
Free trade agreements (FTA) carry notable cost savings, but qualifying products for each relevant FTA and managing the filing process requires expert knowledge most companies don’t have in-house. To use FTAs, importers must solicit product information from supply chain partners and determine which products conform to the rules of origin for each trade agreement. Similarly, customs warehouses and free-trade zones (FTZ) help importers defer or reclaim their duty payments, but the programs are challenging to administer manually, and outsourcing can quickly outweigh the potential financial benefits.

Driving success through effective compliance and cash-flow management
Discover how a Japanese automotive leader overcame challenges with storage, distribution, and customs compliance of its imported parts and vehicles in the European market. By implementing a Bonded Warehouse Management solution from e2open, the manufacturer unlocked efficiency, cost savings, and unwavering compliance—optimizing their operations across Europe.

Trade agreements and duty savings
Leveraging all FTAs, duty drawbacks, and duty deferral programs is a great way to reduce or eliminate import costs. Now you can do it efficiently, minimizing manual effort and errors.
Cut total cost of goods
The process of leveraging trade agreements and duty reductions is streamlined and automated, making it easier for you to lower your duty obligations and overall cost of goods.
Manage trade agreements
Importers can easily maximize their savings from FTAs using automation, comprehensive trade content, a powerful classification engine, and supplier collaboration tools.
Meet duty optimization program requirements
Tasks required for most duty optimization programs worldwide are automated, and analytics and reporting tools generate the necessary data to report.
Maintain compliance and reduce risk
Drawing upon the world’s most accurate database of regulatory information enables you to maintain regulatory compliance and sharply reduce the risk of errors.
Identify potential duty savings programs
Pinpointing duty savings programs that might apply to a transaction, the system analyzes data down to the last component to find its origin, then identifies transactions eligible for duty savings.
Automate customs warehousing inventory management
The application automatically reconciles inventory movements such as receipts, goods issues, and adjustments against requirements for duty-reduction programs such as FTZs.
Lower consolidator, air freight, and additional inventory expenses
Improved compliance reliability and efficiencies for imports and exports
Increased free trade agreement utilization
Other applications within the global trade ecosystem
Leverage all available trade agreements and duty savings programs.