2024 Forecasting and Inventory Benchmark Study - Now Available!

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Sustainability and Climate Change

An aerial view of wind turbines, Holland - stock photo

Purpose and Scope

As a global leader in end-to-end supply chain solutions, we believe it is our responsibility to contribute to the efforts to reduce the effects of climate change by reducing the footprint of our solutions, adhering to compliance and regulatory requirements worldwide, and adopting a responsible environmental approach that applies throughout our value chain, which includes minimizing the lifecycle impacts of hardware and solutions. Further, we recognize the risks posed by global climate change and are committed to doing our part to reduce global emissions in line with the best available science. 

E2open, LLC and its subsidiaries provide this policy as a guide for team members worldwide and applies to all e2open entities and subsidiaries. This policy applies to all e2open companies as well as the company’s suppliers, partners, and vendors, where applicable. 


This policy establishes and describes e2open’s commitment to the environment, customers, suppliers, and the communities where we do business. It outlines energy management and conservation and establishes responsibilities, including maintaining operations in the event of an energy shortage and ongoing efforts to reduce energy costs where feasible. All e2open business units and entities will continuously ensure that energy resources are effectively and efficiently utilized. 


E2open strives to identify and manage environmental impacts in all areas of its business. It is the policy of e2open to:

  • Comply with applicable environmental rules, regulations, and standards
  • Understand and manage climate change related risks and opportunities for our business, including greenhouse gas emissions
  • Understand environmental impacts associated with new and acquisition of products and services
  • Utilize diverse energy sources, including renewable energy where possible for facilities or data centers
  • Strive for continual improvement to conserve natural resources, reduce or eliminate the use of toxic or hazardous materials, prevent pollution, reuse and/or recycle where possible
  • Educate employees and other stakeholders on sustainability best practices for e2open
  • Partner with suppliers, vendors, and partners to adhere to applicable environmental rules, regulations, and standards (please refer to Ethics and Conduct Policy for e2open Suppliers) and continuously improve performance on material environmental issues. 
  • Innovate products or solutions that optimize supply chain operations and reduce environmental footprint, emissions, and waste and utilize sustainable practices for lifecycle management 

Standard Practice

  • E2open will cooperate with government agencies and local utilities in matters related to energy management and conservation 
  • All e2open employees are responsible for implementing best practices for sustainability

Environmental Protection and Conservation

This policy commits to reducing our impact on the environment through:

  • Operating our business in a manner that reduces our environmental impact, minimizes greenhouse gas emissions, and protects and preserves natural resources, including water, and biodiversity. 
  • Mitigating climate change through cleaner energy, where applicable and practical, and managing emissions effectively
  • Reducing waste generation and working with suppliers to minimize waste and harmful environmental impacts
  • Following international guidelines and best practices for disposal of electronic waste (eWaste)
  • Conscious efforts on reducing travel-related emissions in alignment with the company’s Travel and Expense policy 
  • Designing solutions and services that enhance and optimize environmental and sustainability initiatives of our clients, minimize waste, and mitigate environmental impacts of making, moving, and selling goods and services

Climate Change

E2open acknowledges the impact it has on climate change and is seeking track and reduce its impacts:

  • Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions where possible. 
  • Waste reduction and use of clean energy where possible. 
  • Recycling of paper and related products at facilities and utilization of third-party companies to track waste. 

E2open seeks to further understand the risks that climate change would have on the company’s operations. We will explore areas of opportunity in which the company can make a positive impact regarding climate change and promote opportunities for our clients, partners, and suppliers where possible. 

Management and Reporting

E2open’s Nominating, Sustainability, and Governance Committee, part of the Board of Directors, oversees this topic and other Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) related topics for the organization with the goal of balancing environmental responsibility and business goals. E2open will manage and track performance against this policy through compliant systems and processes and quantify material impacts utilizing the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) protocol and other widely accepted methodologies to achieve continual improvement on material environmental topics. 

We will report our sustainability program to key stakeholders (management, employees, investors, clients, suppliers) and publish publicly on an annual basis through our ESG Report or other disclosure. 

Policy Review

E2open will periodically review and update this policy to address changes in material environmental aspects and integrate stakeholder feedback as appropriate.