
DNA text + media layout (DNA Text Group & Media)

Power of the Network for Direct Procurement

Icon card style mods

Banjo Card

This is a Banjo card.

8bit Alien Card

This is an 8bit Alien card.


Posts (recent news)


Text Group & Cards


This is the Computable card.


This is the infrastruktur card.


Text Group & Media

Shoulder alcatra leberkas prosciutto rump. Picanha flank tenderloin, tongue brisket ham pork loin ball tip. Meatloaf t-bone biltong kevin spare ribs. Burgdoggen kielbasa jerky, beef chislic shoulder sirloin. Frankfurter sirloin shank ham hock. Short loin hamburger cow prosciutto corned beef, shankle pastrami burgdoggen meatloaf shank kevin venison chicken. Brisket jerky rump t-bone shank filet mignon.

Column 1

Dual Text (2-up text group layout)

1 – Shoulder alcatra leberkas prosciutto rump. Picanha flank tenderloin, tongue brisket ham pork loin ball tip. Meatloaf t-bone biltong kevin spare ribs. Burgdoggen kielbasa jerky, beef chislic shoulder sirloin. Frankfurter sirloin shank ham hock. Short loin hamburger cow prosciutto corned beef, shankle pastrami burgdoggen meatloaf shank kevin venison chicken. Brisket jerky rump t-bone shank filet mignon.

Column 2

Dual Text (2-up text group layout)

2 – Shoulder alcatra leberkas prosciutto rump. Picanha flank tenderloin, tongue brisket ham pork loin ball tip. Meatloaf t-bone biltong kevin spare ribs. Burgdoggen kielbasa jerky, beef chislic shoulder sirloin. Frankfurter sirloin shank ham hock. Short loin hamburger cow prosciutto corned beef, shankle pastrami burgdoggen meatloaf shank kevin venison chicken. Brisket jerky rump t-bone shank filet mignon.

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See how BluJay enables you to simplify and streamline freight forwarding.



Demand Sensing

increase in near-term forecast accuracy


increase in near-term forecast accuracy

saved by one manufacturer through better inventory management


saved by one manufacturer through better inventory management

reduction in inventory dollars at retailer


reduction in inventory dollars at retailer

reduction in safety stock


reduction in safety stock

Demand Signal Management

daily sales recovered by one manufacturer at one retailer


daily sales recovered by one manufacturer at one retailer

improvement in planner productivity


improvement in planner productivity

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