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Case Studies

Case Studies

High-Tech-Gigant erhält unerwartete Großaufträge und ungeplante Nachfrage

Generating more than $50 billion in annual revenue, this high-tech organization has over 150,000 employees in vario...
Case Studies

Unternehmen für verpackte Konsumgüter bringt Füllraten auf die nächste Stufe

This global consumer packaged goods (CPG) company manufactures all its goods in-house and distributes them to consu...
Case Studies

Globales Technologieunternehmen überwindet Compliance-Engpässe und positioniert sich für weiteres Wachstum

A high-growth global technology and software company with more than $100 billion in annual revenue needed the abili...
Case Studies

Globaler Lebensmittelhersteller spart über 40 Millionen Dollar an Zollkosten

A global food manufacturer and distributor was trying to manage its processes using mostly manual efforts, which re...
Case Studies

GEODIS bietet erweiterte Trade-Compliance- und Value-Added-Service-Fähigkeiten

GEODIS is a European transportation, logistics and supply chain organization that grew successfully by providing th...
Case Studies

GEODIS verbessert die Sichtbarkeit des Paketversands für globale E-Commerce-Kunden

GEODIS, a global transportation and logistics organization, was hindered by a supply chain visibility solution that...
Case Studies

Globaler Logistikanbieter verbessert Service-Levels, Compliance und Margen

Keeping up with the frequent amendment updates and tariff filing changes in carrier contracts is challenging when y...
Case Studies

Allied Electronics automatisiert Handelskonformität bei weltweitem Umsatzwachstum

Allied Electronics & Automation®, a leading distributor of industrial automation components, found it critical...
Case Studies

Unilever verbessert die Abläufe in der Seelieferkette durch Digitalisierung

With a vast number of ocean shipments spread over multiple destinations, Unilever needed to streamline logistics pr...
Case Studies

Logistikdienstleister schließt mehr Geschäfte ab und entwickelt stärkere Kundenbeziehungen

With the expansion of its global presence and a growing customer base, a leading logistics provider recognized the ...
Case Studies

Global Semiconductor Manufacturer Manages Disruption and Adapts to Strategy Changes

In addition to addressing internal quality control and inventory reporting pressures, a global semiconductor manufa...
Case Studies

Bose verbessert die Zusammenarbeit und stärkt das Partnernetzwerk

With the vast majority of Bose’s sales driven through the reseller channel, the company was looking to improv...
Case Studies

Avon setzt auf e2open für bessere Supply Chain Performance

Avon has a widely distributed supplier and sales base, short product lifecycles, and a constant flow of changing pr...
Case Studies

Boeing 787: Globales Lieferkettenmanagement nimmt Fahrt auf

With 135 structural and systems partner locations around the world involved in the manufacturing and fabrication of...
Case Studies

GE erhält besseren Einblick in die Vertriebskanäle

GE Automation & Controls is a division of GE that automates the processes that generate half of the world’s p...
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