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5 Emerging Trends in Export Controls

Join the Global Trade Academy to explore the tightening export controls in the Americas and Europe, and discuss the...
Fiche technique

Export Management

Keeping up to date on ever-changing trade regulations in foreign markets can get overwhelming. With e2open’s Expo...
Étude de cas

La société Oshkosh renforce ses moyens en matière de conformité commerciale

The U.S.-based heavy industrial equipment manufacturer Oshkosh Corporation needed technology and processes that wou...
Étude de cas

Une entreprise de peintures et de revêtements haut de gamme économise des millions de dollars grâce aux droits de douane préférentiels

An iconic American manufacturer of home maintenance products sought to improve its use of the United States-Mexico-...
Étude de cas

Etihad Cargo améliore le contrôle des exportations et la conformité réglementaire

Etihad Cargo carries a wide range of commercial and personal cargo, including animals, luxury goods, precious items...
Étude de cas

GE Healthcare trouve une solution pour les opérations complexes de conformité commerciale

Moving healthcare products has never been more critical than in recent times. For instance, ensuring speedy, effici...
Les solutions en bref

Landed Cost Calculation: Effortless Margin Improvement

Many companies overlook common cost elements, such as duties, tariffs, taxes, harbor fees and handling fees because...
Étude de cas

Une entreprise mondiale de technologie élimine les goulets d'étranglement liés à la conformité pour s'adapter à la croissance

A high-growth global technology and software company with more than $100 billion in annual revenue needed the abili...
Étude de cas

GEODIS se dote de capacités avancées en matière de conformité commerciale et de services à valeur ajoutée

GEODIS is a European transportation, logistics and supply chain organization that grew successfully by providing th...
Étude de cas

Allied Electronics automatise la conformité commerciale dans un contexte de croissance des ventes mondiales

Allied Electronics & Automation®, a leading distributor of industrial automation components, found it critical...
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