Proactive Collaboration with Partners to Forecast Supply and Secure Materials and Capacity
Improve productivity and supply assurance while reducing lead times and risk. E2open Supply Forecast Collaboration enables you to collaborate across all supply tiers to secure raw materials and outsourced capacity for new and existing orders.
Keep pace with volatile demand
Balancing needs and capacity is a constant juggling act
Assuring supply has become a continuous challenge, especially in complex multi-tier networks. Volatile demand and large, unexpected orders disrupt the upstream supply ecosystem and keep partners in a constant and inefficient state of tension, scrambling to balance material needs and capacity. To offset the uncertainties, suppliers often hedge demand forecasts, incurring extra financial liability due to elevated stock and the unnecessary use of capacity. This diminishes service levels—and profitability.

Synchronize demand across all tiers of supply
Successfully manage supply constraints and volatile demand with visibility into current and upside orders so mismatches don’t impact business.
Share the big picture
A time-series view displays component forecasts, upsides, and commits for suppliers and contract manufacturers.
Respond proactively
Dynamic alerts for demand-supply mismatches between buyers and suppliers help you avoid crises upstream.
Raise service levels
Increased visibility and smooth collaboration results in improved service levels and shorter lead times.
Proactively manage exceptions
Automated issue identification helps you solve supply chain problems through collaborative workflows across multiple stakeholders.
Handle large upside orders effectively
Advance visibility into sizable upside orders helps buyers and suppliers adjust smoothly and avoid shortages and delays.
Get required materials and capacity
A single source of truth for forecasted demand and supplier commits helps you proactively secure materials and capacity.
Reduction in the cycle time required to resolve issues
Gain in productivity
Decrease in inventory carrying costs
More applications in the supply ecosystem
Proactively align supply with demand and reduce risk by collaborating with suppliers ahead of time.